

FCC GROL exam prep web application (Haskell)


grolprep is a web application for studying the FCC GROL questions in preparation of taking the exams.

This is a flash-card style study tool. Students can choose from Elements 1, 3 and 8 and can specify any subelement of those three for specific study. Questions and answers can be randomly presented. grolprep displays the images for questions with figures.

Additionally, simulations of the randomly-chosen exams can be practiced with this software.

grolprep is currently being used by people all over the US, including students of the Avionics program at the Burlington Aviation Technology School. Some of the technology in this web application was already helpful in preparing students for these tests in the form of the prior command-line version, fequiz-pl.

The source test data questions can be acquired from the FCC Commercial Operator License site.

grolprep is written in Haskell using many libraries including: cgi, Crypto, HDBC-sqlite3, hslogger, HTTP, split, xhtml. At this time, no special web framework was used, just Network.CGI and Text.XHtml

Getting source

And once you have it, building the usual way:

$ cabal configure
$ cabal build
$ cabal install

Using the web application

Visit the live site and start studying!


Dino Morelli <>