% Dino Morelli Programmer specializing in Haskell and other FP languages Linux and open-source enthusiast Raleigh, NC USA email [dino@ui3.info](mailto:dino@ui3.info) If you are emailing me or otherwise sending data, consider encrypting with my public key: [501AE8C5-dino-pub.asc](http://ui3.info/d/501AE8C5-dino-pub.asc) Fingerprint for this key: `BE3C 1A81 1CBF 3A3A C3A6 518A 9F0F 9E57 501A E8C5` ## Employment! Take a look at my resume: [html](http://ui3.info/d/cv-DinoMorelli.html) or [markdown](http://ui3.info/d/cv-DinoMorelli.md) ## My projects My more recent work is hosted at [darcshub](http://hub.darcs.net/dino). Take a look at this exciting stuff! Older projects are on our own server [here](http://ui3.info/darcs/) [darcs](http://darcs.net/) is very powerful, distributed version control software. It's available for the major platforms. If something I've done has been useful and you feel compelled, donations welcome Bitcoin: `12Zn3wxN5jwTJdjEPYQWHxvqnintvwdFbw` --- This page was generated from [Markdown](http://commonmark.org/) using the excellent [pandoc](http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/) conversion tools 2015-03-19 16:01:00 EDT